Morning Announcements-March 26, 2025

Wednesday, March 26th 

     Today is a “B” Day 




  • A reminder that the Maple Avenue Parent Network will be hosting a 6th Grade Dance NEXT Friday night. Tickets are on sale now and they can be purchased through the Parent Square App. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!  


  • Jazz Band Club will not rehearse this evening. We will have our next rehearsal on Wednesday April 2nd. 


  • Voice club meets today in the chorus room! Continuing with last week’s theme, we will be singing Disney hits and creating some choreography to go with them. We only have a few weeks of voice club left, so be sure to join us! 


  • The Live School Shop is now open for ordering! Please check our new inventory before the shop closes Friday, March 28th. Keep practicing the 4 Bs to earn more points and make Maple Avenue a wonderful place to be. 


  • Best Buddies will be meeting today from 2:20-3:00 pm in the LGR 


  • The International Club is meeting after school today in room 255. We will be researching Japan and preparing for the event. All are welcome. 


  •  Math Placement Testing make-ups will occur today. Families must have contacted me to let me know if a child missed the test, students cannot attend the make-up session without prior notice. Students should report to room R232 at the beginning of Block 5 (1:15).