Guest Speaker Review Process

The Saratoga Springs City School District is committed to offering diverse perspectives within the learning environment and providing opportunities for critical thinking.  As educators, we address controversial issues that have educational value, are developmentally appropriate, and are relevant to the curriculum in a manner that balances major views to assure that as many sides of the issues as possible are presented in a fair manner.

While we understand that members of our community may not always agree with the topics or viewpoints presented, providing multiple perspectives is part of the educational experience for our students to prepare them for future success. Giving students a chance to assess different viewpoints and apply critical thinking skills, particularly at the secondary level, is consistent with our mission.    

Recently, one of our high school classes held a virtual meeting with guest speakers, which has created a response from members of our community.  The district has reviewed this event and has determined that appropriate guest speaker approval procedures were not followed with fidelity.  Thus, we are examining our guest speaker process to assess how it can be strengthened and improved.

We appreciate the feedback we have received and hope the community recognizes our good faith efforts to continuously reflect on our policies and practices.