Kindergarten | First Grade | Second Grade | Third Grade | Fourth Grade | Fifth Grade
Ms. Wade’s Kindergarten Class
- 1 pair of headphones (not earbuds, label w/name, put in a zipped lock bag)
- 1 change of clothes in a labeled zip-lock bag (include pants and shorts as
- seasons change)
- 1 backpack
- 1 box of tissues
- 1 pack-Low Odor Expo Dry Erase Markers (black)
- 1 8-pack Crayola Markers
- 2 boxes of #2 Ticonderoga Pencils- sharpened (regular size)
- 5 boxes of Crayola Crayons (24 colors)
- 6 large Elmer’s glue sticks (or 8-10 small glue sticks)
- $6.00 cash in a sealed and labeled envelope to be used for Scholastic Newsweek Magazine for the school year
- water bottle and a healthy snack everyday
- sneakers for P.E.
Mr. Schram’s Kindergarten Class
Items to label with name:
- A large backpack- please label name on the inside.
- An iPad-compatible headphone set (placed in a labeled Ziploc bag). NO ear buds please (they are tricky for some kids to use and fall apart).
- A change of clothes (including sneakers for PE days)
Items with no name- we pool these in the classroom:
- 1 box of standard 8 color crayons (please no assorted sizes/colors). Crayola are best.
- 1 pack of dry erase markers
- 1 pack of sharpened #2 pencils
- 3 large Elmer’s glue sticks (please no glitter)
- 1 box of gallon Ziploc bags (girls only) and 1 box of quart size Ziploc bags (boys only)
- 1 box of tissues
- 1 package of wipes
Ms. Pinto’s Kindergarten Class
- 1 pair of headphones (no earbuds, label w/name, put in a zip-lock bag)
- 1 change of clothes in a labeled zip-lock bag (include underwear and socks)
- Backpack
- 1 box of tissues
- 2 boxes of Crayola Crayons (24 colors)
- 1 large Elmer’s glue stick (or 2-4 smallglue sticks)
- water bottle and a healthy snack everyday
- sneakers for P.E.
- paper towels
- clorox wipes
First Grade
- 2 boxes (24 count) of Crayola crayons
- 1 package (10 count) Crayola fine line markers
- 1 box (12 count) Ticonderoga Pencils
- Headphones (simple and inexpensive) for iPad use
- 1 box of tissues
- A backpack
- Daily snack
- Water bottle (non-spill)
- Practice tying your shoes this summer!
Second Grade
- 1 – Three ring binder- solid color (no print), plastic see through cover, (ring no larger than 1 inch wide) PLEASE PUT NAME ON IT
- 1 – package of sheet protectors
- 1 – box of colored pencils
- 1 – plastic pocket folder
- 2 – marble composition notebooks
- 1 – Ticonderoga pencils (24 pack)
- 1 – pack of dry erase markers
- 1 – box of tissues
- 1 – package of baby wipes or disinfectant wipes
- headphones (earbuds) in a ziploc bag with your child’s name on it
- water bottle and a daily healthy snack
- $5 for end of the year t-shirt
Third Grade
Mrs. Szczesny and Mrs. Daurio’s Supply List
- 3 Plastic folders (labeled): Red (Math), Green (Science and Social Studies), Yellow (Morning work),
- 1-inch clear view 3-ring binder
- 2 boxes- 12 count-colored pencils
- 1 box fine tip washable markers
- 2- dry erase markers
- 3 dozen Ticonderoga #2 pencils
- 1 soft zip pencil pouch
- Headphones or earbuds (in a zip lock bag with their name on it)
- 2 boxes tissues
Please choose one (or 2 😊) of the following items off the classroom wish list
- Clorox wipes
- Gallon Bags
- Sandwich Bags
- Jolly Ranchers and Starburst- for candy jar
- Goldfish and pretzels for forgotten snack days
Fourth Grade
- 4 durable, plastic-coated folders (labeled) 1-RED (Math) 1-BLUE (Science/S.S.) 1-YELLOW (Homeroom) 1-GREEN
- 3 dozen Ticonderoga #2 pencils to be collected and stored
- 1- Three subject spiral notebook with a durable plastic cover
- 1 box of colored pencils 8 or 12 count
- 2 fine tip dry erase markers
- 1- soft zipper pencil case
- 1 box of tissues
Classroom Wish List Items (Please consider choosing an item (or two) to donate to the class for us to use as needed.)
- Cap Erasers
- Gallon size Ziplock Bags
- Sandwich size Ziplock bags
- Clorox Wipes
- Individually wrapped candy for class candy jar (ex: Jolly Ranchers or Starbursts)
- Individual Bags of Pirate Booty or Goldfish for forgotten snack days
Fifth Grade
- Three sturdy two-pocket folders- red, yellow, blue
- One three subject notebook
- Three dozen #2 pencils
- Colored pencils
- Zippered pencil bag
- Two highlighters (any color)
- A pair of headphones in a labeled ziplock bag
- Two large boxes of tissues (non-lotion type)