Announcements 03.13.25

      “D” Day                                                                                                                                       



Thursday, March 13th, 2025


SENIOR /JUNIOR SCHOLARSHIPS – Scholarships are currently being posted in Naviance and on the bulletin board outside of the Counseling Office. All scholarship criteria, deadlines, and application links can be accessed through Naviance. Scholarships will continue to be updated through the end of the school year.


The Military Club and Student Council will be hosting a donation drive for active military troops from the capital region from the end of February through March 25th. We will collect items every Tuesday during flex, please see the posted flyers around the building for items needed!


Calling all sports fanatics! This March there will be volleyball, spike ball and dodgeball tournaments. Go to A212 or B214 for more information!


The High School Counseling Department will be administering the ASVAB or Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery for current juniors or seniors who may be interested in pursuing a career in the military on March 20th at 8:00 a.m. Please contact your school counselor or sign up in the Counseling Office by this Monday, March 17th.


There will be an informational meeting for all current juniors who are interested in taking CEIP next year on Tuesday March 18th during FLEX in the Lowenberg Auditorium.  CEIP is a one semester internship opportunity for current juniors to be a part of in their senior year.  You do not have to have signed up for CEIP to attend this meeting. All interested Juniors can attend. We will be explaining the program and handing out application packets at this meeting. Again, this meeting will be on Tuesday March 18th during Flex in the Lowenberg Auditorium.


Petty Officer Plukett from the US Navy will be visiting during our student lunches on 3/13/25.


DND club will be cancelled this Friday, we will meet next week for our regular time!