“B” Day
ANNOUNCEMENTS Thursday, March 27th, 2025
SENIOR /JUNIOR SCHOLARSHIPS – Scholarships are currently being posted in Naviance and on the bulletin board outside of the Counseling Office. All scholarship criteria, deadlines, and application links can be accessed through Naviance. Scholarships will continue to be updated through the end of the school year.
Calling all sports fanatics! This March there will be volleyball, spike ball and dodgeball tournaments. Go to A212 or B214 for more information!
Military Club will be meeting (4/1) in G-113 to complete the Yellow Ribbon donations drive, all members are expected to attend
Entrepreneurs Club will be hosting Kurt Rossner, today March 27th, right after school in room D218. He is the owner of the Old Smoke Clothing Company. Come and learn what it takes to be an entrepreneur. All are welcome!
Attention Student Body: Please be sure to purchase your Yearbook by April 1st.
Online sales close on April 1st. Only a few extra yearbooks will be available for purchase in May. Be sure to order your yearbook today: www.jostensyearbooks.com
Your application materials must be dropped off in room G238 by Friday, March 28th. Please reach out to Mr. Robinson or Mrs. Goldfischer if you need a copy of the application, or if you have any questions.
Juniors, this is an important reminder that all Applications for CEIP are due by the end of the school day this Friday March 28th.