Saratoga Springs City School District invites community members to run for the Board of Education. Each year, there are three Board of Education vacancies for three-year terms. Learn more about the role of a school board member from the New York State School Boards Association.
Individuals seeking election to the Board of Education must submit a petition with a minimum of 100 signatures from district residents. Petition packets may be picked up at the MacFadden Administration Building at 3 Blue Streak Boulevard in Saratoga Springs. Petition packets can also be sent by e-mail or mail to interested candidates who fill out the Board of Education Candidate Petition Request form.
Completed petition packets are due to Business Office by 5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2025 and a drawing for the order of the candidates will be held the following day. Questions may be directed to Brenda Roberts at 518-693-1450.
A Meet the Candidates Forum, hosted by the League of Women Voters, will be held on May 14 at 7 p.m. in the Saratoga Springs High School Teaching Auditorium.