Budget & Finance

2024-2025 School Year Budget

Saratoga Springs City School District residents approved a $148,709,136 school budget for the 2024-2025 school year. This budget reflects a 3.49% tax levy increase, which falls within the allowable local tax cap limit.  Learn more about the 2024-2025 school budget here.

Annual School Budget Vote

On Tuesday, May 20, residents of the Saratoga Springs City School District will have the opportunity to vote on a proposed budget for the 2025-2026 academic year.  

Budget Development Process

Each year, the Saratoga Springs Board of Education works with district and school leaders to develop a budget proposal that focuses on the sustainability of current programs, meeting the social and emotional needs of all students, and providing equity in programs offered by the district.

Click here to view the 2025-2026 budget development calendar and presentations.

Overview of the Budget Development Process

Fall: The District reviews long-range goals and enrollment projections. Administrators discuss budget priorities and the Board of Education adopts the budget development calendar.

January: The Governor proposes an Executive Budget. The District reviews preliminary state aid projections and plans for health care/retirement costs and other major cost drivers.

February: The District presents preliminary budget and identifies the initial gap between what is needed to continue all programs into the next year and projected revenues.

March: By March 1, the District must submit its calculated maximum allowable tax levy under the state’s property tax cap. The Board of Education reviews administrative recommendations for budget expenses in various areas such as instruction, transportation, special education, facility, athletics, etc

April: The Board of Education discussions continue on priority issues; legislative actions affecting revenue and expenditures; impact on instructional programs, staffing, and support operations. By April 1, the New York State Legislature must adopt a state budget and the District updates its state aid projection. The Board of Education examines fund balance options to supplement revenues if needed. Finally, the Board of Education adopts school budget proposal.

May: The District holds an annual budget hearing and budget information is mailed to all voters.

Budget Archive

  • 2023-2024: $142,718,530
  • 2022-23: $137,138,255
  • 2021-22: $134,623,813

School Tax Information

Saratoga Springs City School District Tax Office provides services to parcel owners within the City of Saratoga Springs and the Towns of Greenfield, Malta, Milton, Saratoga and Wilton. The office is open year round and is located in the Administration Building on the High School complex at 3 Blue Streak Blvd.