Educators Awarded Saratoga Schools Education Foundation Grants

Three SSCSD educators have been awarded Saratoga Schools Education Foundation Grants. Congratulations to Kelsey Allen, Meredith Kerr, and Alyssa Whitcher for receiving funding for their innovative projects! Adaptive Bikes for Secondary Physical Education Classes This grant is jointly funded with $3,000 from the Saratoga Schools Education Foundation and $2,500 from Saratoga Shredders and the Dake …

Legacy Capital Project Work Scheduled For Summer 2024

As part of the legacy capital project, approved by residents in 2020, improvements and renovations will be made to all eight school buildings and the transportation facility over the next several years.  The project will create energy and operational efficiencies throughout the District as well as protect the community’s long-term investment in our school facilities. …

View the Community Events & Information Page

Looking for fun activities for your kids? Check out our community events and activities section of the website.  You will find community events, summer programs,  and activities from community organizations.

Early Dismissal for Grades K-8 on Thursday, June 20

Due to the heat advisory, the district has decided to dismiss elementary and middle school students early on Thursday, June 20.  Maple Avenue Middle School students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. and lunch will be served before dismissal. The 8th grade moving-up ceremonies will proceed as scheduled in the air-conditioned auditorium.  Elementary School students …

Tenure Recipients Celebrated at Reception

Congratulations to the following staff who were recognized at the June 6, 2024 tenure reception: Administrative: Abigail Adams-Snell Caroline Street: Benjamin Quinones and Sandra Mahoney Division Street: Stephanie Landman Dorothy Nolan: Bridget Kolakowski Geyser Road Patricia Bateman, Kristen Burke, Julia Marino, and Anastasia Sperry Greenfield: Rita Rhodes and Samantha Jacksland Lake Avenue: Erin Griep and …

CIAC Athletic Program Review Report

The district engaged the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) to conduct an athletic program review from February to May 2024. This comprehensive five-month review was based on CIAC standards and included a self-study of our athletic program, surveys and focus groups with coaches, student-athletes, and parents/guardians, as well as a tour of our school facilities.  …

NYSPHSAA Announces Spring 2024 Scholar-Athlete Teams

Congratulations to the Saratoga Springs High School winter varsity sports teams who were recently recognized by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) as scholar-athlete teams! To qualify as a scholar-athlete team, a varsity team’s grade point average (GPA) for 75 percent of the roster must be greater than or equal to …

District Honors 2023-2024 Retirees at Reception

On May 22, the district held a retirement reception to celebrate the 2023-2024 retirees. Thank you for serving the students and families in our district! Each retiree will have a personalized brick added to the Pathway to Innovation at Saratoga Springs High School. Congratulations to the following staff members: Cathey Accettella, Elementary Teacher at Dorothy …