Thank you SSCSD School Board Members

The New York State School Boards Association celebrates October 16-20 as School Board Recognition Week. Thank you to the Saratoga Springs Board of Education members for their ongoing commitment to the students, staff, and families of our district. Saratoga Springs Board of Education members will be recognized during the October 24 Board of Education meeting. …

Eight SSHS Seniors Named National Merit Commended Students

Eight seniors at Saratoga Springs High School were named Commended Students in the 2023-2024 National Merit Scholarship Program.  Congratulations to Maggie Anthes, Katherine Henry, Alexander Martin, Theresa Prehn, Max Sefcik, Hudson Shaw, Seth Tremper,  and Stephen Zimmerman. Commended Students placed among the top five percent of 1.5 million students who entered the 2023-2024  Merit Program …

Employees Recognized for 25 Years of Service

On September 14, our district had the pleasure of recognizing our exceptional employees who have dedicated 25 years of service to our school community. To acknowledge their commitment to our district, each employee received a certificate of recognition.  In addition, each honoree had the privilege of choosing a book to be proudly placed in one …

Health Reminder: Importance of Staying Home When Sick

The health and safety of our school community is our highest priority, and we are committed to maintaining a healthy and safe learning environment for our students and staff. We need your help in reducing the spread of infectious illnesses in our school buildings. Individuals who have symptoms of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, such as …

Board of Education Meeting on September 14

The Board of Education will hold a regular meeting on September 14 at 7 p.m.    The meeting will be held at Dorothy Nolan Elementary School. Watch the meeting through youtube. 6:15 p.m. – 25-Year Employee recognition reception (Intermediate Library) 6:30 p.m. – Building tour 7:00 p.m. – Business meeting Meeting agendas and minutes are posted …

Back-to-School Links For Families: Bus Schedules, School Meal Payments & More

Our district can’t wait to welcome all students back to school for the 2023-2024 school year!  The first day of school is Thursday, September 7. Elementary teacher placement letters were mailed out the third week in August.   Middle and high school student schedules will be live in SchoolTool on Saturday, August 26.   Helpful links are …

NYS Immunization Reminder for Students Entering Grades 6, 7 & 12

New York State Public Health Law, Section 2164 requires students to be up to date on certain vaccines in order to attend school. All students new to the district and those entering Kindergarten will need to be current on these vaccines. Please be sure your child has all required vaccines prior to the start of …

SSCSD Is Now Using ParentSquare For District-Wide Communications

SSCSD is excited to announce that we have transitioned from SchoolMessenger to a new communication system called ParentSquare. ParentSquare is a comprehensive communications platform that offers enhanced engagement features, including a user-friendly mobile app, two-way language translation, and more!    This unified platform will initially serve as a district and school building communication tool, allowing us …

Jerome Keenan Appointed As Director Of Transportation

Jerome Keenan has been appointed as the next Director of Transportation for the Saratoga Springs City School District. Mr. Keenan will replace Jeffrey Wainwright who is retiring from the district at the end of the school year.  “I would like to thank Jeff Wainwright for the outstanding leadership he has provided to our Transportation Department …

SSHS Summer Program 2023

SSHS Summer Program 2023 at Maple Avenue Middle School Co-Principals: Erin Bennett & Stacey Ralston: (518) 587- 6690 ext. 33341 All required courses for graduation will be in-person using a computer-based credit recovery program. Class Schedule: Classes are in session, in-person from Monday, July 10th through Tuesday, August 8th. All classes are scheduled Monday through …