“Parents and Guardians as Partners” Webinars

The district offered the “Parents and Guardians as Partners” webinar series with Educational Consultant and Trainer Dr. Jennifer Bashant.  Dr. Bashant is the founder of Building Better Futures LLC and provides a number of different opportunities for parents and educators to help children succeed in school. 2022-2023 Webinars See the list of 2022-2023 webinars below.  …

“Digital Wellness & Supporting Your Student in Balancing Technology Use” Presentation Recording

The district offered a presentation titled “Digital Wellness & Supporting Your Student in Balancing Technology Use In Their Daily Life” on Monday, March 20. Click here to watch the recording of the program. Educational Technology Specialist Kendra Astemborski presented a one-hour, virtual session to discuss the importance of digital wellness and how parents can support …

Board of Education Budget Workshop on March 21

The Board of Education will hold a meeting on March 21 at 6:30 p.m.  The budget workshop will be held at Saratoga Springs High School Teaching Auditorium. Meeting agendas and minutes are posted through BoardDocs.

Saratoga Education Foundation Seeks School Community Members

In 2014, The Saratoga Foundation for Innovative Learning (SFIL) was formed as a volunteer-driven education foundation for the Saratoga Springs City School District. With the mission to empower the school community and ignite the love of learning in all students, SFIL awarded 40 forward-thinking and creative grants to educators totaling nearly $150,000! In 2020, SFIL …

SSCSD Plans in the Event of a Fourth School Emergency Closure Day

As a district, we want to communicate plans in the event of a fourth emergency closure day.  During the 2022-2023 school year, the district has used three emergency closure days on December 16, January 23, and March 14. The NYS Board of Regents requires all school districts in the state to have 180 instructional days …

Students Explore Teaching as a Profession

Students taking the course Exploring Teaching as a Profession with Mr. Schorpp are learning about careers in education.  This new course is offered through a partnership with the School of Education at the University of Albany.   This course introduces students to the concepts and the practice of teaching, the history of education and school systems, …

“Understanding Adolescents” with Jack Berckemeyer on December 20

On Tuesday, December 20, Author Jack Berckemeyer will present “Understanding Adolescents.”  The program will be held at Maple Avenue Middle School Auditorium from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. You are invited to spend an hour with Jack Berckemeyer who will try to explain the inner workings of adolescents and how their current reality is so different …

Community Safety Forum Presentation

On Thursday, December 1, the district held a Community Safety and Security Forum.  During the forum, the District Emergency Response Team reviewed our comprehensive school safety and security plan and representatives from the New York Schools Insurance Reciprocal (NYSIR) shared the short-term and long-term recommendations from a recent district-wide safety audit. The forum was open …