SchoolTool Help

SSCSD uses SchoolTool as its student management system for parents and guardians to access their child(ren)’s grades, attendance, schedule, and other data. SchoolTool Portal activation is a ONE-TIME event. Once you have an account it is active for the duration your child(ren) attends Saratoga Springs City School District. Please be advised we only issue logins to parents and legal guardians (with court papers).

If you have not received an email containing a username and password for SchoolTool you may request an account by choosing the appropriate link above. If you have children in both buildings, you only need to place a request from one building. Once we have verified the accuracy of the information, you will receive an email with your SchoolTool account username and password.

SchoolTool Mobile App

The Schooltool mobile application is now available to parents/guardians and students who have a Schooltool account and an iOS or Android device. App users can log in to see information about student schedules, assignments and attendance. This app is available for Apple Devices in the App Store and the Google Play Store for Android Devices.

After the app is downloaded to your mobile device, you will be asked to enter a website URL. Enter the URL: to connect the app to the SSCSD SchoolTool. Additionally, you will need to enter your SchoolTool username (email address) and password.