Division Street Elementary

BOE pres
Division Street Students
Division Street students gave a tour of the school’s recent renovations and modernized classrooms prior to the November Board of Education meeting.
blue streak buck
kindness rocks
Division Street Elementary now has a Kindness Rocks Garden! Inspired by "Only One You" by Linda Kranz, students and staff created unique rocks in art class, proudly displayed behind the school.
garden club
garden club photo
The Division Street Garden Club meets regularly to care for the school's beautiful garden!
blue streak buck
The PBIS Coaches at Division Street celebrated Halloween by dressing up as a Blue Streak Buck. 
wee deliver
wee deliver
Division Street's "WEE Deliver" Post Office is run by fifth-grade students with the help of Mrs. Klippel. Each week the students collect, sort, and deliver over 100 letters from family members and friends.

Division Street Elementary

220 Division Street
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Phone: (518) 583-4794
Fax: (518) 583-4722

Dana Bush

Staff Directory

Division Street Events

Friday, February 28

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Pasta Dinner

Wednesday, March 12

All Day
Division Street Third Grade Concert

Tuesday, March 18

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Division Street PTA Meeting - Library

Thursday, March 20

5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Division Street PTA STEAM Expo
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