Maple Avenue Middle School

student voices
student voices summit
Maple Avenue student leaders attended the BOCES Elevating Student Voices Summit. We are so proud of the impact they are making at the middle school.
Science team
science team
Congratulations to the Maple Avenue Science Bowl team for their outstanding performance at the Science Bowl Regional Competition at GE Global Aerospace!
french class
7th grade French students learned about Chandeleur, the French version of Groundhog Day, and ordered crêpes in French. At the end of class, students flipped a crêpe for good luck.
maple coffee
coffee sleeves photo
Maple Avenue students are spreading kindness, one cup at a time! The Maple Avenue Student Council decorated coffee cup sleeves with kind phrases for the Saratoga Springs High School café.
CTE Fair
CTE works
Maple Avenue 8th grade students had a fantastic time at the CTE Works interactive career exploration event!

Maple Avenue Middle School

515 Maple Avenue
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Phone: (518) 587-4551
Fax: (518) 587-5759

Mr. Scott Singer

Assistant Principals:
Grade 6 – Kara Likar
Grade 7 – Christine Vilardo
Grade 8 – Timothy Harris

Staff Directory

Middle School Events

Wednesday, March 26

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Band Pops Night - Grades 6-12 Concert at SSHS
High School - Lowenberg Aud.

Monday, March 31

All Day
Spring Modified Sports Begin

Friday, April 4

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Maple Ave. Sixth Grade Dance
Maple Avenue Middle School (515 Maple Ave, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, United States)

Wednesday, May 7

All Day
Maple Ave. Washington, D.C. Trip
Full Calendar
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