Maple Avenue Summer Academy Information


(Located at Maple Ave Middle School, 515 Maple Avenue.)

July 15 – August 8; from 8:00 am to 11:00 am Mondays through Thursdays

The Summer Academy for grades 6 and 8 will focus on literacy, math, and success skills. It is designed for students who may benefit from additional instruction to prepare for the next grade level. Grade 8 students may also work on world language proficiency, if appropriate.

The Summer Academy is available to students in grades 6-8 who:

· Are required to attend due to the failure of 2 or more core courses and/or.

· Are required to attend due to the failure of 1 course and a failure on the world language proficiency exam

· Are requested to attend due to the failure of 1 core course and/or.

· Have been recommended for “Grade 6 Skills Enrichment.”


Transportation will be available.

To arrange for bussing, please indicate the need when speaking with your child’s counselor or contact the transportation department at (518) 587-4545. Transportation will only schedule pick up and drop off of students if they are informed of the need. Parents driving their children should use the designated student pick up/drop off area at the front of the building and adhere to the 8:00am drop off and 11:00am pick up times.

We will be unable to supervise students dropped off before the 8:00 start time or awaiting pick up after the 11:00 dismissal. Students needing to leave for appointments will need parents to provide transportation at the appropriate times. Parents should provide absence and dismissal notes as they do during the regular school year. Walking is not permitted for any reason. The Summer Office phone number will be 518-587-4551 extension 12011 from July 15 – August 8.


Breakfast and lunch will be provided FREE to all students.


Mandatory Attendance

As the program only runs for 16 days, attendance is required. Three (3) or more absences may lead to a student’s removal from the program. All students attending are expected to demonstrate appropriate behavior in accordance with the Code of Conduct. Students who do not meet behavioral expectations may be removed from the program. If your child is required to attend, removal may lead to them repeating their last grade level.

School Counselors will be contacting parents on or before the week of June 24, 2024, by telephone or in writing if it is recommended their child attend the Summer Academy. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s School Counselor directly.