Morning Announcements – December 5th, 2023

December 5th, 2023 

Today is a “C” Day 

 Club Meetings and Information December 5th, 2023 

 Attention Maple Ave 7th Graders!  Want to be part of history?  The 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party is December 16!  Bring in small bags of LOOSE tea (NO Tea bags) to your social studies teacher and your tea will end up in Boston Harbor when they reenact the event next month.  The deadline to submit your tea will be December 8.  Let’s remember this famous protest by having Saratoga’s tea fill Boston Harbor! 

Attention Maple Ave Ski Club. There will be an informational meeting for ski club members and their parents/guardians on Tuesday, December 5 at 7:00. This will be a ZOOM meeting and the link will be provided on Parent Square. All ski club members and their parents/guardians are welcome but 6th graders and anyone new to ski club are especially encouraged to attend. At this meeting, all questions about ski club procedures will be answered! Think SNOW! It’s almost time to hit the slopes, Maple!! 

Math Club is meeting on Wednesday 12/6 after school in room R232 until 3 pm. 

Attention all students the Liveschool shop order form is available from December 5th -8th if you would like to use your Liveschool points to order items. The form closes on the 8th and items will be delivered by the 20th. 



Check out the Maple Avenue Club Calendar for club meetings and room information! 


make it a great day, or not… the choice is yours!