Monday, February 12th, 2025
Today is a “B” Day
Club Meetings and Information
Time to order your 2025 Yearbook! Sales are pre-order ONLY! Use the link on the Maple Avenue Webpage or in the flyer sent home.
Attention grade 6 and 7 students: Join us for a Virtual STEM Information Night to explore the exciting course options in math, science, and technology at the middle school. This live event will cover program pathways information about math and science acceleration opportunities. The livestream will be posted on ParentSquare and the Maple website.
Attention Grade 6 and 7 Students Interested in Accelerated Math and/or Science: Testing will occur on March 5 for science and March 20 for math. Your parents or guardians need to register you by Friday, February 28, using the ParentSquare form. As a reminder, grade 7 students already in accelerated math and/or science do not take the placement tests.
Ticket sales for the 8th grade semi-formal will be online starting Monday, February 24. Tickets will only be sold online. The 8th grade semi-formal will be taking place Friday, March 21, here at Maple.
Attention Pop Culture Icon Club – we will be meeting Wednesday, February 12, after school in the Large Group Room. Please let Ms. Schnorr know if you need a late bus pass.
Chess Club will not meet on Wednesday, February 12th.
Jazz Band Club will rehearse in the Band room tonight from 6:30-7:30pm
We are thrilled to announce the winners of the Camp Colby Scholarships! Congratulations to Isabella Dimitriou and Sadie Griswold. A big thank you to the Heritage Garden Club for sponsoring these scholarships and to all the applicants for their participation!
There is a voice club meeting today after school. NYSSMA students need to attend so you can practice your solo with Mrs. Levin. Non NYSSMA students- we will be singing and creating some new Winter warm-ups together.
No Place for Hate is meeting after school today. All students should go to room 257 to sign in.
Check out the Maple Avenue Club Calendar for club meetings and room information!
Make it a great day, or not…the choice is yours.