Morning Announcements – February 26th, 2025

Wednesday, February 26th, 2025 

Today is a “C” Day 



Club Meetings and Information 


Attention Grade 6 and 7 Students Interested in Accelerated Math and/or Science: Testing will occur on March 5 for science and March 20 for math. Your parents or guardians need to register you by Friday, February 28, using the ParentSquare form. As a reminder, grade 7 students already in accelerated math and/or science do not take the placement tests. 

 There will be a student council meeting on Wednesday February 26 

French Club will meet on Wednesday after school in room E142. All students are welcome, even if you don’t take French! 

Best Buddies will meet right after school on Wednesday the 26th in the LGI Room 

 No Place for Hate is having a CLUB OFFICERS ONLY meeting on Wednesday. There will NOT be a regular club meeting this week. We will see everyone next Wednesday! 

International Club will meet after school on Wednesday, February 26 in Room 255. All are welcome to join! 

 Jazz Band club will rehearse this evening from 6:30-7:30pm in the Band room.  \ If you are singing a NYSSMA solo with Mrs. Levin next weekend, be sure to come to voice club today! We will hold mock solo performances to get you comfortable with the process. 

 Any 7th or 8th grade boy interested in playing tennis this spring should attend a brief informational and sign-up meeting on Monday March 3rd in the small gym. If you cannot attend, please see Coach Nizzi for APP and practice information. 


Check out the Maple Avenue Club Calendar for club meetings and room information! 

Make it a great day, or not…the choice is yours.