Morning Announcements – June 6th, 2024

June 6th, 2024 

Today is a “C” Day 


Club Meetings and Information June 6th, 2024 


There will be a brief informational meeting for all 6-8 graders interested in playing Modified or JV Field Hockey in the fall on Wednesday, June 5th in the main gym at 2:30. 

Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade girl interested in a FREE summer running program or joining the Cross-Country team in the fall, there will be an informational meeting after school on Thursday, June 6th, in room 269. See Ms. Grolley for details! 

There is a student council meeting in Mrs. Kerls room on Wednesday June 5. 

For girls interested in trying out for the Girls Golf Team next year, there will be an information meeting at the High School on Monday June10th at 3:00 in room D110.  If you cannot attend but are interested in trying out, please contact Coach Cavotta for more information at 

The last meeting of the International Club will take place on Wednesday, June 12. We will finish up the year with a celebration. Club members should check their email. 

Any boy interested in playing JV golf this fall, please pick up an informational sheet outside Mr. Deckers rm 191. 

There will be an informational meeting for the Girls Varsity Swim Team on Wednesday, June 12th during Flex periods.  Any 7th or 8th grade girl that is interested in joining is welcome! 

There will be a brief informational meeting for all 6-8 graders interested in playing Modified or High School Volleyball in the fall on Thursday, June 13th in the main gym at 2:30.  Please make sure you have a ride to pick you up at 3 and if you cannot attend the informational meeting, see Coach Conyers in the Columbian House office for more information.   

Attention Pop Culture Icon Club, our last meeting of the year is on Monday in the Large Group Room after school. Cannot wait to see you there! 

This is a reminder that ALL LIBRARY BOOKS are due back to the library today! We need all materials back as soon as possible for the summer; we won’t be checking out books anymore this year! If you lost your book and need to replace it, please talk to or email our librarian, Ms. Whitcher. Your lost books and replacement costs will not disappear and will follow you to the high school, so please BE REPONSIBLE, return your books, or talk to Ms. Whitcher about replacing them! 

There will be a mandatory informational meeting for any girl interested in playing JV tennis in the fall. We will meet after school on Wednesday June 12th in the small gym. See Coach Nizzi if you have any questions. 



Check out the Maple Avenue Club Calendar 

 for club meetings and room information! 


make it a great day, or not… the choice is your