Morning Announcements – March 4th, 2025

Monday, March 4th, 2025 

Today is an “A” Day 


Club Meetings and Information 

Science Placement Testing will occur block 1 on Wednesday, March 5. All students should report to their Block 1 class for attendance FIRST before heading to their testing location. 7th grade students will be testing in the LGI. 6th Grade Students from RED and HATHORN will be testing in Cafeteria 1. 6th Grade Students from EXCELSIOR and COLUMBIAN will be testing in Cafeteria 2. All students need to bring their charged device, a pencil, and a calculator. 

Attention Pop Culture Icon Club – we are meeting on Wednesday after school in the Large Group Room. Please let Ms. Schnorr know if you need a late bus pass. See you there! 

Any 7th and 8th girls interested in playing modified lacrosse this spring should attend the informational meeting on Monday, March 10th in the small gym, Gym F after school. 

Today’s lunch selections are… Loaded soft tacos, Cheesy bean dip, salsa cup & Mardi Gras Cookie! 


Check out the Maple Avenue Club Calendar for club meetings and room information! 

Make it a great day, or not…the choice is yours.