Saratoga Springs High School Named National Banner Unified Champion School

Saratoga Springs High School has been named as a National Banner Unified Champion School for its leadership in creating an inclusive school community where all students are accepted, celebrated and included.  The distinction marks the highest level of achievement for Unified Champion Schools in the nation and Saratoga Springs High School is one of just nine schools in New York State to earn this recognition.

In a Special Olympics Unified Champion School, students with and without intellectual disabilities play on the same interscholastic sports team, primarily basketball and bowling. These same students also serve as youth leaders who engage the entire school community in activities that encourage and promote inclusion among their peers.

“I am very proud to work in a school that values and supports the Unified Champion School programming,” said Saratoga Springs Unified Coach Colleen Belanger. “I have had the opportunity to work with students who have the passion and drive to ensure that their school, community, and world they live in are inclusive to all individuals. Our students are the backbone of this accomplishment and I look forward to seeing where they will lead us in the future.”

A video release celebrating the school’s achievement can be viewed here.