Clubs & Activities

Academic Team 

The S.S.H.S. Academic Team recruits students from all grades to compete in quiz bowl competitions in the local area. There are also tournament opportunities where parent volunteers help with travel on the weekends out of the local area. If you enjoy watching Jeopardy, our team is for you!  We meet on Mondays and Thursday after school in B120. 

Club Advisors:
Jeanmarie Gebhard –
Heather Neddo –

Advanced Historical International Studies 

Allows interested students to delve into the historical and cultural significance of cities or countries around the world. As a student centered, academic based organization, this club will give students the opportunity to learn more about and discuss specific regions of the world that they select. The anticipation is that the club will enable students to enhance their social studies education with their peers.  This club meets in B209 every Thursday after school. 

Club Advisors: 
Ron Schorpp – 

Ashley Schorpp – 

Amnesty International Club 

Amnesty International Club educates students about current human rights issues. We host many notable campaigns — Riff for Rights, Write for Rights, and Voices for Unity — advocating for the rights of all and fighting oppression. Volunteer opportunities and snacks are guaranteed. Join us on Tuesday’s afterschool in room B115 and become a part of a global movement to create positive change! 

Club Advisor: 

Damian Ubriaco – 

Architecture and Building Club 

The Architecture and Building Club welcomes any students who are interested in the design and construction fields.  We participate in a design competition, visit local firms, create small building and design projects of our own. We meet alternating Monday/ Thursdays (see Mrs. Cavotta for a calendar) in room D110. 

Club Advisor: 

Band Club 

This club works with the Concert, Symphonic and Jazz Band students to discuss and plan any additional performance opportunities. This club meets in room E102. 

 Club Advisor:  

Andy Janack – 

Best Buddies 

The club matches students with and without disabilities in one-to-one friendships. Best Buddies meet on Thursdays from 2:25-3:15 in the cafeteria.  Specific meeting dates are posted on Instagram @togabestbuddies. 

Club Advisors: 
Colleen Belanger – 

Blue Streak Bagpipers Club

Blue Streak Bagpipers Club is for any person, student or staff, who has experience playing the bagpipes either through the Maple Avenue Introduction to Bagpiping Club or other instruction. Experienced Scottish drummers are also welcome! Our goals include personal improvement as well as group participation in community events.

Club Advisor:
Suzanne Barber –

Cave Spelunking and Geology Club 

The Cave Spelunking (exploration of caves as a hobby) and Geology Club allows students to explore caves of the region.  The focus of the club is on education and the discovery of cave systems in our local area.  We also fundraise for larger trips outside of the local area.  We welcome everyone regardless of experience.  Meetings are in room G124 every first and third Tuesday of the month. 

Club Advisor: 
Sherry Riese – 

Chemistry Club 

The ChemistryClub will educate young chemists, and pique interest in chemistry while introducing common principles. The club will carry out enjoyable experiments and activities and will also discuss current events in the world of chemistry. Prior enrollment or current enrollment in a chemistry class is not required! 

Club Advisor: 


Chess Club 

Players of all skill levels welcome to learn, play and enjoy the game of chess.  This club meets in B112 every Tuesday after school.  Bring friends to play a game or two after school. 

Club Advisor: 
Mei Ye – 

Chorus Club 

The HS Chorus Club meets at various times throughout the school year and will be participating in NYSSMA Solo Festival, caroling at nursing homes, and the SPAC Festival of Young Artists this year.  Contact Mrs. Houlahan if you are interested in joining – you must be a member of a Chorus (Mixed Chorus, Bel Canto Choir or Choraliers) to participate. 

Club Advisor: 

Karen Houlahan – 

Class of 2025 

Open to all members of the class of 2025 – involves class activities, fundraising for activities, as well as fundraising for future events, such as the prom and community service organizations. 

Club Advisors: 
Dave Brown – 
Jody Visconti – 

Coding Club 

This club was created to further grow and broaden a student’s knowledge of coding and software engineering.  This club will compete in Siena coding competitions and foster essential skills for future careers in STEM and beyond.  All skill levels are welcome to attend – no prior coding experience is needed, just an interest and a willingness to learn something new.  Meetings will be in room D213.  Reach out to Ms. Martino for more information. 

Club Advisor: 

Audrey Martino – 

DECA (Distributive Ed. Clubs of America) 

Distributive Education Clubs of America. Students participate in community service. 

Club Advisor: 
Tim McGuiggan – 

Drama Club 

This club performs a musical and non-musical production for the public each school year.  The club is geared toward students interested in acting, backstage management, set building and orchestra performances. 

Club Advisor: 
Bob Berenis – 

Dungeons & Dragons Club

Greetings travelers! Dungeons & Dragons club is a place for everyone to go on adventures! No experience with the game is necessary as we welcome the most seasoned players or people that don’t even know what the game is. A set of dice is encouraged to bring with you, but not required (our dice goblins have plenty to share). We hope you can join our adventuring party!

When: Fridays from 2:20pm-4:00pm

Where: The High School Cafeteria

Club Advisor:

Jillian McPherson –

Educating Young Engineers 

This club allows high school students interested in engineering to introduce younger students to engineering through fun programs and activities that they create.  For more information, please reach out to Ms. Gallagher. 

Club Advisor: 
Bridgette Gallagher – 

Entrepreneurs Club 

Local entrepreneurs share their entrepreneurial journey with students providing them with a real-life perspective on what it takes to own your own business.  Meetings are sporadic; listen for announcements but will always be in D217. 

Club Advisors: 
Lisa Flynn – 

FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) 

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life – planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision making, and interpersonal communication – all necessary with the home and workplace.  SSHS FCCLA organizes several fundraising events that support the community as well as national non-for-profit organizations.  We meet on Tuesdays in Room D202 after school. 

Club Advisor: 
Kristin Harrod – 

Fiddle Club 

Open to students interested in exploring traditional styles of music and performing throughout the community. This club meets from 2:30-3:30 in room E104 on Fridays.  

Club Advisor: 
Jessica LaBello – 

Forensics Club

Forensics Club is a student driven exploration into different areas of Forensic Science. Focus this year will depend on club member’s interest, which may include topics such as serial killers, forensic psychology, handwriting and tool mark analysis, and more. Parent permission required. See advisors for permission slip.

Club Advisors:

Meaghan Bellard –

Carly Dellis –  

French Club 

The French Club’s goal is to promote and stimulate additional interest in the French language and francophone cultures throughout the world in a fun and inclusive setting.  

Meetings: In G208, the first and third Thursdays of each month. 

Club Advisor: 
Matt McDermott – 

Future Medical Leaders

This club is perfect for students who are interested in a possible career in the medical field including, but not limited to, nurses, doctors, physician assistants, phlebotomists, etc., or to anyone interested in the medical community. We hope to have speakers from various health professions as well as raise awareness for diseases and disorders.  Meetings take place on rotating Tuesdays in G227. 

**Club is advertised as HOSA 

Club Advisor: 
Christina Jordy – 

Graphic Design and Printing 

This club is for students that have an interest in graphic design, 3D printing, laser cutting and etching, and creating printed media of all kinds. The club will solicit and commission work from the school district at large.  This club meets in the back room of G116 every Friday. 

Club Advisor: 
Jody Visconti – 

Guitar Club 

The guitar club is a social club that focuses on guitar and music.  Every meeting we socialize, share our knowledge, and play guitar.  All skills levels are welcome.  This club meets every Friday from 2:30 – 4:00 in room D209. 

Club Advisor: 
Bob Hill – 

Inclusion Union 

This club is for all students with an emphasis on the inclusion of students with disabilities.  The club is important for our students who want to build and support a more inclusive environment in their school and community so that everyone can feel safe and welcome. Meetings are on Mondays – check Instagram @toga.uniifed for specific meeting dates. 

Club Advisor: 

Colleen Belanger – 

Key Club 

A student-led organization that provides it’s members with opportunities to perform service, build character and develop leadership skills. 

Club Advisor: 
Barb Frasier –

Kim McGhie – 

LEO Club 

This is the high school division of the LIONS Club International and is open to all students. 

Club Advisor: 
Tim McGuiggan – 

Library Club 

Come and join our book club, our puzzle club, or both!  We will meet in the library classroom on Tuesdays from 2:30-3:10. 

Club Advisor: 
Jennifer Duchaussee –

Literature and Travel Club

The Literature and Travel Club is open to all students who wish to share the experience of learning about famous writers by traveling to local, national and international destinations. Come join us as we meet to share knowledge about culture and history as it relates to literature. Students meet on alternate Tuesdays after school in B120.

Club Advisor: 
Jeanmarie Gebhard –

Math Club 

A club designed for any high school student interested in math.  The club allows all students access to meet and continue to think mathematically and to collaborate with their peers.  Math Club meets every other Thursday after school in room B105. 

Club Advisor: 
Robin Chudy – 

Military Club 

This club is for anyone who is interested in joining the military and having a career in the military. The club teaches good citizenship and dedication, additionally, it offers support to those interested in joining the military. Club activities include but are not limited to collections and donations for active military or retired military, letter writing to military service members, exposure to resources that focus on physical activity, drilling and ceremony exercises, physical exercise, holistic health and fitness.  We meet on most Thursdays.  Come join us in G113. 

Club Advisor: 
Colleen Sanita –

Hunter Meys –

Mindful Society 

Join Mindfulness club in B115 for relaxing meditation, tea drinking, and mindful outreach in our community. We love consciously enjoying the things we take for granted. No previous mindful experience is necessary, all are welcome. Can’t wait to see you there! 

Club Advisor: 

Damian Ubriaco – 

Mock Trial 

Involves students learning how the court system works by simulating the trial experience, going to competitions and trying cases against other area schools. 

Club Advisor: 
Tim McGuiggan –  

Move Dance Club 

This club offers a free Hip-Hop class to students who love to move but don’t necessarily have dance talent. A professional hip-hop choreographer teaches the class. Come join us on Tuesdays from 2:30-3:10 p.m. in the Teaching Auditorium (TA).  

Club Advisor: 

Madeline Belden – 

NASA Club 

This club is for students to come together in a group to work on science projects and research that involve anything related to NASA.  Come join us on Tuesdays in G120. 

Club Advisor: 

Charlotte Osborne – 

National Honor Society 

The National Honor Society works with qualifying juniors and seniors to promote citizenship, leadership and character development through community service and academic excellence. 

Beginning junior year, a qualifying student can petition to join the Agotaras chapter of the National Honor Society. Though the final selection is made at the end of junior year, a successful candidate will demonstrate proficiency in the four pillars of NHS throughout their high school career. Meeting dates are announced each September for the year; candidates are expected to attend every meeting. 

The minimum cumulative grade point average required for induction and membership is 92.0 (weighted and not rounded) and is to be maintained post induction. 

Club Advisor:  


NCBI Diversity Club 

NCBI Club welcomes student leaders interested in combating bullying, prejudice, and racism in our school and community.   We organize peer-led diversity workshops and host discussion groups on a wide range of topics that promote respect for all people.  This club meets on Tuesdays, in G116 from 2:30 – 3:30pm.

Club Advisor: 
Leanne Donelan –

Danielle Wilson –

No Place for Hate 

No Place for Hate” is anti-bias and anti-bullying movement led by the ADL (Anti-Defamation League).  Our club organizes school-wide events and initiatives aimed at making our school community a more welcoming place where all students feel safe and seen.  We meet on Thursdays from 2:30 – 3:30 in the SPA room (G116).

Club Advisor: 

Orchestra Club 

This club works with the Concert, Symphonic and Chamber Orchestra students to discuss and plan any additional performance opportunities. 

Club Advisor: 

Jessica LaBello – 

Peer Tutoring 

We are a group of 40+ teacher vetted students available to tutor in all core subjects, at most levels (Regents AP, CHS, UHS, Honors) and some electives. Tutors volunteer their time to help other students achieve and make the school a better place for all. This is a FREE service. Tutoring takes place during every flex in G222. 

If you have questions about becoming a tutor or getting tutored, please see Ms. Narkiewicz in G222. 

Club Advisor: 

Jessica Narkiewicz – 

P.R.I.D.E (Providing Respect in a Diverse Environment) 

Open to all students. Dedicated to promoting an awareness of diversity in people and to stop bullying. Its focus is to work at making the school and community a safe place for all. Our club has rolling admission, students are welcome to join at any point during the school year.  We meet in B204 every other Thursday. 

Club Advisor: 
Christopher Barone – 

Text 518pride to 81010 

Robotics Club 

This club’s purpose is to inspire students to study the fields of math, science and engineering. Members will manufacture robots for competition.  This club meets in D120 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

Club Advisor: 
Jonathan Langlois –  


SADD – Students Against Destructive Decisions 

Dedicated to promoting awareness of the dangers of driving and driving and other destructive decisions – encourages students to make smart choices in terms of their health and well-being.   

Club Advisor: 


Saratoga Naturalists and Outing Club 

This club is open to all students who would like to promote environmental awareness in the school and local community. Meetings are held weekly throughout the school year. In addition to maintaining a building wide recycling program, the Naturalists go on seasonal field trips including day hikes, museum tours and visits to environmentally friendly communities.  This club meets on Mondays in room E104. 

Club Advisor: 
Lisa DeLano – 

School Newspaper – The Lightning Rod, Student New Source 

This is the school newspaper and is open to any student with an interest in writing, reporting, photography, and/or graphic layout. The newspaper reports on the life of the school and community.  Join us after school every Monday in B118. 

Club Advisor: 
Jill Cowburn – 

Science in the Community 

Science in the Community is a collaborative club dedicated toward promoting student involvement in academic research and elementary collaboration for STEM related events. Students learn the process of research and encourage young students in the district to continue their curiosity pursuits in all areas of study, including both laboratory sciences and psychological studies. This club fosters community building and gives students exposure to skills they would otherwise learn in college. The Science in the Community club meets every other week and is open to all students regardless of involvement in a Science Research class.  This club meets in G238 every other Tuesday. 

Club Advisors: 

Peter Robinson – 

Rebecca Goldfischer – 

Shades of Blue Creative Writing Club

Shades of Blue is a Creative Writing Club for anyone who wants time to write, collaborate with writers, and participate in local events surround writing and reading. Any student who enjoys writing is encouraged to join!  We will meet monthly in B201, typically Tuesdays. 

Club Advisor:

Bridgette Gallagher –

Sign Through the Day 

Come and learn beginner’s sign language and about deaf culture.  Join us on Fridays in A212. 

Club Advisor: 
Veronica Miller – 

S.I.P. (Student Ideas and Philosophy)  

Student Ideas and Philosophies (SIP) Club is a discussion-based club on topics ranging between politics, ethics, psychology, and philosophy.  Anyone is welcome to attend the club for as long or as short as they would like, and there is no pressure for anyone to speak more than they would like.  We meet bi-weekly on Thursdays in B211, please join the Remind to stay updated: “@sipclub”.   

Club Advisor: 


Ski and Snowboard Club 

This club is geared toward students who enjoy skiing and snowboarding with their friends in a structured manner. 

Membership Application 

Club Advisor: 
Glyn Chilton – 

Sociedad Honoraire deFrancais  

The French Honor Society’s goal is to stimulate interest in the study of French, to promote high standards of scholarship, to reward scholastic achievements, to create enthusiasm for and an understanding of francophone cultures and promote international friendship through community service. 

Meetings: Induction ceremony takes place each spring, meetings scheduled as needed. Please see Monsieur McDermott for more information 

Club Advisor: 

Matt McDermott – 

Sociedad Honoraria Hispanic 

This club is an honor society for students enrolled in Spanish with the purpose of recognizing achievement and promote interest in Hispanic studies. Interested candidates must meet certain criteria, apply, and get inducted in the Spring.  This is done through the World Language Department.  Meetings are not open for new members until after the induction in the Spring.  Club members will complete community service hours. We meet in the HS cafeteria on the 1st Tuesday of every month.  Dates change by month based on the service project we are doing. 

Club Advisors: 

Kristin Scharf-Best – 

Jennifer Vacchio – 

SPA Club 

SPA Club is a leadership level within the SPA Program that allows students to have a voice and enhance their education with their own ideas!  SPA Club members meet during Friday Flex and periodically to plan SPA social events, community service opportunities, and fundraisers for the SPA program.  TAPS Meetings: Students & Parents meet virtually the last Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm.

Club Advisor: 

Leanne Donelan – 

Spanish Club 

This club is geared towards enthusiastic students of Spanish who would like to immerse themselves in the culture of Spanish speakers.  Come join us in G210 on Mondays. 

Club Advisor: 
Jana Sniezyk – 

Student Council 

Student Council is designed to create a positive and inclusive environment, connecting students to the school community and each other. Student Council puts on activities for the school to enjoy so students can have fun & enjoy a sense of belonging and community. 

Club Advisors: 

Veronica Miller – 

Table Tennis Club 

Come and learn the rules of table tennis as well as work on your technique in this hands on, active club. (Please note, meetings are held on Fridays.) 

Club Advisor: 
Alice Smith –

The Young Democrats 

Interested in political discussion and debate? Come to Young Democrats every other Friday for fun presentations, riveting discourse, and plenty of snacks. We remain mostly impartial as all are welcome. Hope to see you in B115!  

Club Advisor: 

Damian Ubriaco – 

Tri M Music Society 

Tri-M is a nationally recognized music society geared toward giving back to our community in any musical way we can.  More specific information can be found outside the orchestra room, E104, on our bulletin board.  Please join the remind: Class Name: Tri M, Class Code- @00ca7.  Contact Ms. Nirsberger for a meeting schedule.  Meetings take place once a month, typically on a Monday, in room E102 or E108. 

Club Advisor: 
Erica Nirsberger – 

 Karen Houlahan –

Ultimate Frisbee Club 

The Saratoga Springs High School’s Ultimate Frisbee Club provides students an opportunity to learn a fast-growing sport, make new friends, compete against other schools, and teach the sport to younger grades.  We will be meeting in the Spring – watch the announcements for days and times or reach out to Mr. Wagner for more information. 

Club Advisor: 
Joe Wagner – 

Women’s Empowerment 

Women’s Empowerment Club works is to support women, both in and outside of our school community, and to inspire women to set no limits for themselves. Join our remind @togawec.  Women’s Empowerment Club meets every other Tuesday in room B101. 

Club Advisor: 
Gabrielle Shantz –

Yarn Club 

A fun place for any skill level. All are welcome! We will share patterns, ideas and knit and crochet items to donate.  Yarn Club meets on Thursday in B116. 

Club Advisor: 


This club involves all areas of producing the yearbook.  Students in this club produce the annual printed Book of Memories. This club meets frequently and usually on Tuesdays in B114. 

Club Advisor: 
Lynda Redman –