Honors/Pre-AP Humanities
Honors/Pre-AP courses are offered for students of outstanding promise in Mathematics, Science, English, and Social Studies. Honors study in one or more of these areas should be based upon consideration of the student’s ability to engage in a program that is both accelerated and strengthened.
Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are offered through the College Board and standardized in that they prepare students to take a national comprehensive examination at the end of the course. Saratoga students are encouraged, but not required, to sit for the exam. There is a fee charged by the College Board for each AP test, and any credits earned are dependent on that AP exam score. Many colleges will award credits to students who earn scores of 5, 4, or 3, while others might waive a requirement. The best way for students to learn how prospective colleges handle AP credits is to consult the institution directly.
Dual Enrollment: University in High School, College in High School (UHS/CHS)
University in the High School and College in the High School are college credit courses offered as dual enrollment through a local college or university. These courses are offered at a reduced rate per credit hour and credits are based on successful completion of the course. The best way for students to learn how a prospective college will handle the transfer of college credits earned is to consult with the institution directly.
* Since policies are varied and unique to each College, a primary factor to consider when deciding whether to pay for college credit through AP or Dual enrollment is: will the college I attend accept the credit? Some may apply credit directly to the transcript; some may give you advanced standing or waive other requirements. Contacting the institution that you are interested in attending is recommended for precise information about how credits will be handled.
UHS/CHS Course Offerings
University of Albany
- Science Research
- United States History
- Public Policy in Modern America
- Exploring Teaching as a Profession
- Introduction to Psychology
SUNY Adirondack
- Accounting
- Business Law
- Principles of Marketing
- Principles of Management
- English Composition
- Statistics
- Physics
- Environmental Science
- Principles of Macroeconomics
- French 4
- French 5
- Spanish 4
- Spanish 5
- Drawing 1
- Music 1
SUNY Schenectady
- Exploring Science Fiction & Fantasy
- Sports Rhetoric & Writing
- Literature and Identity (AmerExpMulti)
Rochester Institute of Technology
- Introduction to Engineering
- Digital Electronics
- Civil Engineering/Architecture
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Principles of Engineering & Development
- Principles of Biomedical Sciences
- Human Body Systems
- Medical Interventions
- Web Design
- Python & Multimedia
- Software Engineering
Recommended Criteria for Honors/Pre-AP/Advanced Programs/Dual Enrollment Courses
The following criteria help guide students considering this level of rigorous coursework. Honors and Advanced Placement programs are designed for students who demonstrate a high level of interest, aptitude, and prior success in the subject matter.
Recommended Criteria:
- Works well independently, seek help only, when necessary, does not require detailed or repeated directions from teacher to proceed.
- Is creative and can think of methods to try or use original methods when faced with a problem or situation.
- Readily applied principles to new situations, can solve novel problems, respond well to guided discoveries.
- Responds positively to challenging situations, shows persistence in searching for solutions, finds satisfaction in independently solving a problem rather than accepting another person’s solution or help.
- Likes to analyze, generalize, derive, prove, and abstract to investigate relationships and alternative solutions.
- Having a strong intuitive sense for the subject matter, sorts out key relationships quickly.
- Shows a high degree of interest and motivation, is intellectually curious and a critical thinker.
- Has experienced high achievement in past courses without undue stress, has not depended heavily on rote learning or tutoring.
- Shows above average ability in oral and written expression.
- Ability to demonstrate long-term planning skills.
Open Enrollment (Self-Selection for College, Honors and AP courses)
Students that do not meet recommended criteria may still enroll in an Honors/AP course. Teachers, department heads and counselors are available to discuss questions regarding the course expectations and recommended preparation.
Students and parents/guardians should be advised that once a student has signed up for a College, Honors or AP course, there is no assurance that a request for a level change can be accommodated.