Important Considerations and School Policies

Course Load Requirements

Students in grades 9-11 must carry a minimum of 6.5 credits (including Physical Education) each semester.  Seniors must carry a minimum of 5.5 credits (including Physical Education).

Program Planning

When you plan your high school program, you should consider your special abilities, interests, and objectives.  Your pattern of studies will be built around a minimum of required subjects. By carefully selecting elective subjects that meet your needs and satisfy your interests and abilities, you may work toward your own educational, career and technical, and personal goals.  It is the student’s responsibility to consult with his/her parent/guardian, teachers, and school counselor.

College Entrance Requirements

Specific subject and grade average requirements vary from one institution to another, as the institutions differ in the programs they offer and the kinds of students they seek. College’s value a high school program that includes four years of English and Social Studies, four years of Math and Science, and two to five years of World Languages.  College bound students looking to drop one of these areas before they graduate should do so only after careful consultation with teachers, counselors, and college/universities.

Advancing Through Sequential Courses

There are specific course prerequisites for advancing through sequential courses in some departments. Please read the course descriptions thoroughly.

Class Placement / Promotion Policy

Class placement is based on the number of credits previously earned.  A student must have a minimum of 5.5 credits to be part of the sophomore class.  Students must accumulate 11 units of credit before they are promoted to be a junior, and 15.5 units are required for classification as a senior.

Credits Required by Grade Level:

Grade 9:        0 to < 5.5 credits 

Grade 10:      5.5 to < 11 credits 

Grade 11:      11 to < 15.5 credits 

Grade 12:      15.5 + credits 

Early Graduation 

Students seeking to complete the diploma requirements in less than four years must complete the diploma requirements applicable to the student who first entered grade nine four years prior to the school year in which the diploma is to be awarded.  The diploma will be awarded at the end of the semester in which all requirements are completed.  Students who wish to graduate early must review and complete the Early Graduation Application with their school counselor. The building principal will review the application to determine if the student qualifies to graduate early.  Applications are due for approval before September in each school year.

Honor Roll Criteria 

Quarterly Honor Roll and High Honor Roll will be recognized after each quarter. Students must be without Incomplete grades and have a quarterly average, (not rounded), as indicated below on the report card:

  • 85 ≤ Honor Roll < 90
  • 90 ≤ High Honor Roll ≤ 100

GPA Recognitions at Graduation

Saratoga Springs High School uses an unweighted GPA system and does not use, or report class rank on the transcript.  Seniors are recognized at graduation based on their cumulative (not rounded), grade point average after 7 semesters of work as follows:

  • Cum Laude Awarded Grade Point Averages: 90 ≤ GPA < 94 Solid Color Cord
  • Magna Cum Laude Awarded Grade Point Averages: 94 ≤ GPA < 97 Blue and White Cord 
  • Summa Cum Laude Awarded Grade Point Averages: 97 ≤ GPA ≤ 100  Blue, White, and Gold Cord 

    Adding a New Course

    A course may be added to a student’s schedule when the schedule permits, based on seat availability, and prior to the third-class session. Please contact your school counselor to investigate whether this is an option for your schedule.

    Dropping a Course

    Students should make every effort to maintain a rigorous academic schedule. This includes maintaining a schedule with the minimum credits required at every grade level.  Students are expected to take the courses they requested.   Courses required for graduation will not be permitted to be dropped.  For a student to replace an elective course with a study hall, the required paperwork must be completed no later than the end of the second quarter for a full year course or the end of the first quarter/third quarter for a semester course.  If a student drops a course after the deadline, the course grade will indicate WF – Withdrawal Failing or WP – Withdrawal Passing on the official transcripts.  This indication will not be calculated into the student’s final average.  Only administration can approve a student dropping below the number of credits required by grade level with an extenuating circumstance.

    Course Level Changes

    In some of our academic disciplines, multiple levels of instruction have been established to meet our diverse student population’s needs.  Early and frequent communication with the classroom teacher is essential in making educated decisions regarding level changes.  Key factors considered are the student’s previous academic achievement, along with historic and current effort levels.   Attending extra help regularly and completing all assignments allows students, parents, school counselors and teachers to collectively help make an informed decision. 

    Students, parents/guardians should be advised that once a student has signed up for a course, there is no assurance that a request for a level change can be accommodated.  Requesting a level change may result in an undesirable disruption to a student’s original schedule, therefore it may not be possible to honor. Course requests to level up would be based on summer work completion. Level changes are approved when requested to level down.  All requests are also subject to availability.   A student may change course levels if seats are available, and the required paperwork is signed and approved by the parent, counselor, teacher, department head and assigned administrator (and/or building principal) no later than one week after the first quarter ends.  Only in extenuating circumstances approved by administration will a student be permitted to change course levels after the deadline.  In that case, the original course will stay on the official transcript with a grade indicated by WF – Withdrawal Failing or WP – Withdrawal Passing.  This indication will not be calculated into the student’s final average.