Science Research Students Shine at Regional Competition

Norah HokeOn March 15, sixteen Science Research students from Saratoga Springs High School competed at the Regeneron Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair, showcasing their original research among nearly 120 students from across the region. This prestigious competition serves as a pathway to the renowned International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).

Saratoga students earned top recognition for their outstanding research and presentations, collectively winning nearly $2,000 in prize money and a $50,000 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) scholarship.

Norah Hoke was awarded a grand prize and will represent Saratoga Springs High School at ISEF in Cleveland, Ohio, in May, joining 1,500 students from over 72 countries. In addition to this honor, Norah received the Curia Global: Passion for Scientific Endeavors Award, the U.S. Navy Office of Research Award, and the Regeneron GCRSEF Finalist Award 

Other Saratoga students also received impressive accolades:

  • Annie Marsh – $50,000 RPI Scholarship, 2nd Honorable Mention
  • Kaitlin Munro – Regeneron George Yancopoulos Award
  • Jocelyn Elphick – Walter Eppenstein Physics/Astronomy Award 
  • Rose Janicke – American Society for Microbiology Award
  • Kaira Rawert – Dudley Observatory Award 
  • Victoria Gvozdeva – U.S. Air Force Award