Student Registration

Welcome to the Saratoga Springs City School District! The District has an outstanding reputation and a long history of academic excellence. We are pleased you have chosen to become a member of our school community. The District has six elementary schools for grades kindergarten to five, one middle school for grades six to eight, and one high school for grades nine to 12. If you do not know whether your residence is within Saratoga Springs City School District boundaries, contact the District Registrar at (518) 583-4789.

Please note UPK registrations will be accepted beginning April 1, 2025 

Attendance Zones 

Within the six elementary zones, there are five flex attendance zones in order to balance class sizes across the District. Please note that elementary schools are assigned by the district and all attendance zones should be confirmed with the School Registrar. Click here to search your address on our District Attendance Zone Map. 

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration begins each year in January for the following school year. Please note that your child must be five years old as of December 1 for the school year that you are registering for. If your child was previously registered for Pre-School Special Education services, LifeWorks, or the UPK program, you may be eligible to submit a condensed registration form. The Registrar’s Office will notify the families who are eligible. If you previously submitted an online census form, you must still submit the kindergarten registration forms.

Registration target dates are indicated below. Please submit your online registration during your corresponding time frame based on what letter your last name starts with.

Child’s Last Name Begins With 2025 Target Window to Submit Online Registration
A- C: January 13 – February 2, 2025
D- H February 3 – 23, 2025
I- M: February 24- March 16, 2025
N- S March 17 – April 6, 2025
T- Z: April 7 – 27, 2025

Once registration is completed with the Registrar’s Office, you will receive an email confirmation. In person screening for kindergarten is scheduled for June 3, 4 & 5, 2025. You will receive information on signing up as it gets closer to June. 

Student Registration

Please note that registration for students entering grades 1-12 for the 2025-2026 school year will open on June 1, 2025.  We apologize but registrations submitted before that date cannot be accepted.

All student registration is done online through our secure, easy to use SchoolTool Portal. Before you begin the registration process, please gather the required documents, and scan them to your device so you can upload them during the online registration process. 

You will be required to present proof of residency, proof of student’s age (birth certificate), physical and immunization records, custody agreements, if applicable, and photo identification of both parents. 

Once you have all your documents, click here to begin the online registration.  Please note that in the “Additional Forms” section, families must fill out forms labeled “Required All” and “Required K-12″ and leave those boxes checked.  If you have questions, please use the Student Registration Instructions on the SchoolTool page.

If you have any questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (518) 583-4789. 

UPK Registration

The Universal Pre-Kindergarten program (UPK) is a free pre-K program, funded by New York State, for four-year old children who reside in the district. If you are a Saratoga Springs City School District resident, and your child will be 4-years-old as of Dec. 1 for the school year for which you are applying, you are eligible to apply for this program.